Forum to Highlight Women's Influence on Global Climate Chan

The 2018 Guiyang International Forum on the theme of "Integrating Women's Power for Global Climate Change" will take place on July 6 in Guiyang, southwest China's , organizers have announced.

The forum is run by the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China, Club Generation, E5T Foundation, and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Guizhou Provincial Committee, along with support from the International Chamber of Commerce of Guizhou.

The gathering will be the first of its kind to stress women's influence on the development of ecological civilization in the country, said a spokesperson.

The majority of the participants will be women, accounting for 80 percent of the total. Meanwhile, several outstanding females from government institutions, well-known business associations, and other enterprises, will present keynote speeches.

The talks will discuss how to promote economic development and tackle climate change from the very perspectives of women.

Furthermore, organizers hope that the event will contribute to global development on issues such as sustainable innovation and attitudes towards, following the 21st Session of UN Climate Conference.

Other topics will include: key points on the evolution of energy transformation; energy platforms based on blockchain technology; and, women's development.

Meanwhile, organizers at the forum will publish the Green Initiative for Women to Tackle Climate Change, aimed at building an effective alternating network consisting of female experts and well-known individuals.

The publication will indicate women's important position and effect on the issue of climate change, and participants at home and abroad will work together to strive for new ways to resolve the climate change and promote the development of economy at the same time.

(Source: Xinhua/Translated and edited by )